20 things you enjoy doing

I’m on day 28 in a row of getting up early – without hitting snooze – and doing Morning Pages, which makes me feel almost invincible because I am a tired lady and mornings are hard. Luckily I’m not a night owl, so I go to bed super early on week nights. Just like your grandma.
Anyway one of the recent weekly tasks was to list 20 things I enjoy doing and write a date for the last time I did that activity.
Listing 20 things you enjoy doing doesn’t sound that hard. But it was hard. I think when I started making this list of 20 things, I expected them to be exceptional. Unique. But in reality, they are tame and rather mundane. I either don’t enjoy a whole lot of things, or I am just a really boring person. Likely both. But I did some googling (because I am insufferable and always trying to make sure I’m “doing it right”) and found a few other people’s lists, and they were just as…unexceptional…as mine.
- Reading (daily)
- Drawing (2.22.19)
- Painting (2.9.19)
- Napping (yesterday!)
- Hanging out with friends (specifically a low-key evening on a patio or at someone’s table, with a cocktail and a lot of laughs – 2.17.19)
- Drinking coffee (currently)
- Browsing libraries and bookstores (3.2.19)
- Volleyball (3.2.19)
- Writing/editing (daily ’cause it’s my job)
- Camping (Memorial Day weekend 2018, but going again in two weeks!)
- Watching TV/movies (yesterday! My girls and I watched “Dumplin'” on Netflix – highly recommend – and that night we all watched “Into the Spider-Verse,” which was even better the second time around)
- Listening to music (daily)
- Listening to podcasts (almost daily)
- Games with friends (12.31.19)
- Looking at art in museums/galleries/art festivals (I looked around at some of the art at the Dougherty Arts Center after I attended a panel, but I haven’t intentionally gone to view anything in a while)
- Hiking? (LOL do I enjoy this?)
- Crafts (did some origami this afternoon with one of the kids. It was stressful)
- Dinner with OG writing buddies (We try to do this monthly, but it’s been since December)
- I’m stumped
- WTF who has 20 things
The first time I made this list in my journal I only got to 15, so I’m going to consider 18 an improvement.
What would you put on your list of things you enjoy doing?
Oooh. I am trying to start morning pages (again) tomorrow. I’m going to try to make this list. (I like MAKING lists. I am not great at follow through.)
You got this! Starting the morning pages is honestly the hardest part. Now that I’m on quite a streak, it would kill me to break it unless I really had to, like if I were sick or something.
I love lists but I also cannot think of 20 things I love doing.
And now I need to head back to the link for Morning Pages bc I have no idea what that is.
It was so much harder than I thought it would be to think of 20!